Queen - 'Another One Bites the Dust'

Queen - 'Another One Bites the Dust'

The official 'Another One Bites the Dust' music video. Taken from Queen - 'Greatest Video Hits 1'.
your interest in me is like dust on the shelf

OMG! Slightly hysterical. Just signed offer to purchase of the ugliest house in Cape Town. If it happens, will need tons of pixie dust.

Dang the link went to the white pair that would show dust. I wanted to link to the rose colored ones.

@justcecile hahaha *soul cleansing **imagine fairy dust**

So long #ChristyEssienIgbokwe. R.I.P Another Nigerian Music legend bites the dust. She was only 51. My heart goes out to her loved ones!!

@Luv_Nuggets huh? in the famous words of Aaliyah "dust yourself off and try again" :) happy 4th of July 2 u..have a fun weekend GO NUGGETS!

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