Kreator - Phobia (Live)

Kreator - Phobia (Live)

Hell yeah! Best metal-band in the whole world! \m/ Kreator playing "Phobia" live, recorded during their tour in 2001-2002 From the DVD "Live Kreation - Revisioned Glory" (2003)
Agora eu tirei o samba e coloquei Kreator, só de birra pra ela também

Piktor RT @ArlyDisagree: Traktor RT @imroninhuman: Kontraktor RT @UcokSinaga89: Kreator RT @ArlyDisagree: ENEMY OF GOD

@nuclearblastusa Perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh to you guys. You still have Kreator. All is not lost.

@lolakreuz Ééééé... E o canal era um lixo, convenhamos. Mas só bandas de primeira: Dimmu Borgir, Mastodon, Kreator, Blind Guardian, por aí..

Kreator desestressa demais vei. Acho que só eu penso isso, a empregada deve ta querendo matar um

blood this nigga tyler the kreator is pure bomedy ahahahhahahahahhahahaha #teamtyty ahahahahahahahahahahaha

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