The two talking cats

The two talking cats

Stina and Mossy usually fight instead of communicate, so this was an odd moment. They kept "talking" for about one hour, constantly. Thanks for all the positive responses! - Update - Alot of questions have been asked concerning their relation to each other, gender and so on. They are not related in any way, both are females, approximately 10 years of age when this footage was taken. Mossy is the one to the left, which makes Stina the one on the right side! They are both still healthy and vigorous. - Update - klaatu42 has made a really nice translation that is a must see, he also has alot of other clips that are hilarious.
@non033 @amaka___ @a_syuki ののちゃん、あまかさん、朱輝ちゃんおやありでしたー´◇`

@nono0087 ののちゃんお疲れ様だよー

@yuno1111 おはよぉ~みきののちゃん!手越はまだ寝てるのかなぁ~?

@nonossan おやすみののちゃん。見張りはおっさんに任せて、安心して寝ていいわよー。

@ononosi ののちゃん♪おはよう〜(*^▽^)/★*☆♪うん♪うん♪有給休暇の処理しなくちゃもったいなさいしね(≧▽≦)

@no_no_n ののちゃん!おはようございます♪お疲れ様です。

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ののちゃん 動画
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