Mercedes the chartreux cat
Mercedes the chartreux cat
status: Adopted 2/16/08 Mercedes is a 9-year old who was turned over by his owners for unknown reasons. Similar in appearance to the Russian Blue, the Chartreux is set apart by his copper or gold eyes. His coat is the characteristic blue gray with lustrous silver-tipped guard hairs. The Chartreux is a natural French breed of great antiquity. It is known for its gray-blue color, wooly double coat, powerful build, and mild temperament. Although it is a massive cat, it has a sweet, smiling expression and a tiny voice. It is always gray-blue in color, with gold to copper eyes. Authors through the centuries have praised the Chartreux as a gentle cat, a quiet cat, an excellent hunter, devoted to its master, easy to keep and a good traveler. Mercedes' left ear has an irregular curl, possibly caused by a physical injury some years ago. He is otherwise quite healthy, neutered, declawed, and inoculated. Didn't you always want to bring a Mercedes home?
時々TLで震度3,4辺り見るけど「それぐらいか…」と見過ごしてしまう自分に驚き RT @chartreux_t: 福島あたりはまだ震度3くらいが断続的に生じているな…。
@chartreux_t おやすみ。おだいじに。
ともこさん(@chartreux_t )から時々くるネタRTが殺傷能力あり過ぎていつかヤられると思う。
@chartreux_t 疲れたら横になればよし!
@chartreux_t ほきゃーりー
@chartreux_t おつかれさま。ゆっくり休んでね。(ていうか久しぶりw)
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