The Knack-My Sharona

The Knack-My Sharona

@AmandaPanda1981 you and you sister have the same knack for those types of things. #creative

@Doomwench I guess. Then what? Walk up to someone and say "BE MY FRIEND"? Some people have the knack, I guess. Others, not so much.

@ThePaddyGooner Yeah shame I have this remarkable knack of attracting the wrong ones! :-/ Ah poor Del, he'll end up like a feckin wild hare

We all seem to have a knack for choosing exactly the things that are the worst for us....sod it :-)

"the trouble is, human beings do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them."

its the knick knack patty whack, still got the biggest sack.

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