Michael Jackson/Weird Al Yankovic: Eat it/Beat it video

Michael Jackson/Weird Al Yankovic: Eat it/Beat it video

The two videos on the bottom are Weird Al Yankovic's video, "Eat it". The video on top is Micheal Jackson's video, "Beat it". I Re-Edited "Beat it" to match with "Eat it" scene for scene. The "Beat it" video was about a minute longer and has a few longer scenes. I varied the speed in those scenes so they matched with the Weird Al version. I looked to see if anyone had done this before and the answer was yes, but not like this. I hope that you all enjoy it. If you just watch the original "Beat it" version MJ actually sings, "Eat it". Pretty fancy! Weird Al and company; you have all of my respect for doing such an amazing job putting together the song and video. RIP An entertaining genius! Thank you Michael.
「今夜はいいと?いいと?」の人ですよね @761StylishLife: 遂にアル・ヤンコヴィックがガガ様をっっ!!!LOL #761SL


RT @761StylishLife 遂にアル・ヤンコヴィックがガガ様をっっ!!!LOL #761SL

遂にアル・ヤンコヴィックがガガ様をっっ!!!LOL #761SL

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