"Wiener Opernball 2011" - Debütanten-Einmarsch und Eröffnungswalzer - Teil 1 +ppf+
Mehr TOP-DOKUS findest du hier: www.youtube.com +++ 320 bezaubernde Burschen und Mädels präsentieren sich als Debütanten auf dem berühmten WIENER OPERNBALL. Mehr INTERESSANTE DOKUS findest du hier: www.youtube.com
Twitter: discover what's new in your world
To download this song for free go to: www.freelancewhales.com The new Twitter.com is coming soon to all users! Twitter is the best way to discover what's new in your world. From football to film to philanthropy, people are using Twitter to discover what's new about what they find interesting. Twitter has always been about getting a lot in a little. The constraint of 140 characters drives conciseness and lets you quickly discover and share what's happening. Yet, we've learned something since starting Twitter—life doesn't always fit into 140 characters or less. Introducing a new, re-engineered Twitter.com that provides an easier, faster, and richer experience. On the site, you'll see the familiar timeline, yet underneath each Tweet is a handful of information, deeper context and even embedded media. Simply click on an individual Tweet and a details pane slides out on the right and reveals this content. Find out more at twitter.com Video by @briggles, @jennadawn, @jbuckhouse, and @trammell Animation by Devin Whetstone - www.devinwhetstone.com Music Generator ^ 1st Floor by @FreelanceWhales Special thanks to @FreelanceWhales, @AmoebaMusic, @Gastronaut, @allan_o, and Green Apple Books
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ユーチューブ ドラマ
utun.jp ←ユーチューブ、ニコニコ動画などドラマや映画がよくUPされます。 NHKの大河ドラマも見ました。 こんなのはどうでしょう? ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ NHK、大河ドラマは篤姫? 高視聴率番組ですがこっちも意外に高視聴率。 ユーモアも大事よね!?
Serge Gainsbourg je suis venu te dire
Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais........ Serge restera toujours dans nos coeurs... Je remercie tout mes visiteurs qui apprécient le montage que j'ai réalisé en hommage a Serge Gainsbourg........... Nous ne t'oublions pas.