Forty Six & 2 - Tool

Forty Six & 2 - Tool

Lyrics and Video for the Tool song Forty Six & 2 The Shadow as defined by Carl Jung 46 & 2 chromosomes explained by Drunvalo Melchizadek Art by Alex Grey
lookinf gor You Me At Six tickets as mum is going to buy them tonight but it's saying they're forty pound, fuck that

@TheDappy HAS JUST BECAME THE 2hundred and 9thousand 4hundred and forty second FOLLOWER!!!

Wow... I just took a forty minute shower.

So I forget my work pants, and now I'm wearing new forty pound topshop skinny jeans to work. #dick

Bimbasiavitamia has just lost a game of Monopoly to bimba. This is his forty-eighth loss.

I don't understand why I woke up at five forty eight to get a twenty minute shower.

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