Every Breath You Take - Sting & The Police
Every Breath You Take - Sting & The Police (STUDIO) Every breath you take And every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take I'll be watching you Every single day And every word you say Every game you play, every night you stay I'll be watching you Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace I dream at night, I can only see your face I look around, but it's you I can't replace I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby please, Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Every move you make, every step you take I'll be watching you I'll be watching you ---- Every Bomb You Make (Written by Quentin Reynolds and James Glen) Every bomb you make Every job you take Every heart you break Every Irish wake I'll be watching you Every wall you build Every one you've killed Every grave you've filled All the blood you've spilled I'll be watching you Oh, can't you see You belong to me? There'll be a bill to pay On your judgement day For every empty plate Every word of hate When you subjugate When you violate I'll be watching you

■1995年10月21日@渋谷ラママ「背徳の扉VOL.26」(共演:ボンテージ・フルーツ)より<演奏曲目> 漆黒界日本川鼠義眼(インスト) 夏の二人青天白日犬死に~アンコール~ 木の葉やもり<メンバー> 木幡東介(Vo,EG,Tp,etc) 平野勇(Dr,Vo) 宮脇慎吾(B) 小森雅彰(Key,Vo) ★手動カメラ撮影

アニマルプラネット 2011年7月のオススメは■4週に渡って絶滅危惧種を大特集。絶滅した古代生物から、現在絶滅の危機に瀕している動物たち、さらに、動物たちを絶滅から救うための活動をご紹介します。 ■アニマルプラネットに初のアニメ番組が登場!夏の休日、カワイイ動物のアニメや、ゆるーいどうぶつ番組で癒しの時間を。国内外から集めた「動物」をテーマにしたアニメをラインナップ。笑えて、考えさせられて、そしてなんだか懐かしくって切なくなる・・・そんな大人も子どもも要注目な番組の数々を、ぜひご家族でお楽しみください。 『なぞなぞケロロン』『しばわんこの和のこころ』『世界絵本箱』『ストレイシープ ポーのちっちゃな大冒険』『三日月島のモーとブー』『いぬ会社』『にゃらんたび ムムムッ篇』

Amazing Game: Onmyou Taisenki - The Champion's seal), and was released in June 26, 2005. It is a side-story with the same characters from the anime, where Kogenta and Riku train and become stronger through five Fukumaden (伏魔殿?, abode of the demons), which are parallel worlds with lots of Youkai (妖怪?, demons/evil gods). The five Fukumaden featured in this game are Fire, Water, Tree, Earth and Disorder (乱, ran?). The 'Gold' element from Onmyoudou is also featured in the game, but there is no Fukumaden for it.

JAPANESE CULT SAMURAI YAKUZA ROCK'N'ROLL!!!!!(WITH CRASY JINGI PAFORMANCE)→tokyoryozanpaku.web.f c2.com 2008/11/1高円寺20000V中曽根企画「人間宣言08」にて。爆竹・流血・ 日本刀...suicideの日本からの正しき返答か?たった二人でロック魂11/2 9三軒茶屋HEVENS DOORで初企画開催!