TvC: ゴールド・ライタン Gold Lightan COMBO VIDEO
GOLDEN WARRIOR GOLD FUCKING LIGHTAN ******PLEASE NOTE that this is just a joke********* ***ALSO NOTE THAT THIS WAS A YEAR AGO, MIND YOU AND NOT FROM UAS**** ***NOTE: Combos executed WERE LEGIT, NO FREE BAROQUE AND WHATNOT***Having said, there were few combos to put in, aside from him being GOLD LIGHTAN*** X)
ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々~エンディング(GBC版)[2/2]
This video is about Japan's video game. ゲームボーイカラー版「ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々」のエンディング画面。 #1 #2 Dragon Quest Series Ending List (JP Only)
Moonbeam - The Lilt featuring Avis Vox
Black Hole 347-0 Moonbeam - The Lilt featuring Avis Vox 1.Original // 2.Abebe Bekeela & Alex Batiqua Remix // 3.DJ Prosvirin Remix // 4.Zodiax Remix // 5.Sound Quelle Remix // 6.Greenhaven DJ's Remix Our Russian friends from Moonbeam release their new single "The Lilt" on our Black Hole imprint. The track features the vocals of Avis Vox. The original version of "The Lilt" was taken from their successful album "Around The World" and became part of a remix contest. It turned out to be the perfect choice. Many fans already loved the album version and mentioned countless of times that it screamed for a single release. They are right: "The Lilt" is a smooth, warm and moving deep trance track that comes in many layers and simply floats on the sweet vocals of Avis Vox. With thick, tight beats, scarce percussion, rolling bass and an attractive arrangement, the song simply grabs hold of you and does not let go until it's done. True aficionados of the style know exactly what we mean when say that it has ISOS sound written all over it. So as said above, the original version of "The Lilt" caught so much attention, that the Moonbeam brothers decided to start a remix contest. It triggered hundreds, if not thousands, of highly talented producers from all over the world to do their utmost and, hopefully, win. By the time the contest had closed, Moonbeam faced the heavy task to choose the best mixes from what seemed to be a batch that contained nothing but perfect entries. How they did it ...
清水エスパルス 2010-04-11 仙台戦 本田拓也 ヒーローインタビュー
2010-04-11 清水エスパルス ベガルタ仙台戦5-1で勝利後の本田選手のヒーローインタビューです。 SANYO Xacti DMX-CG110 ハイビジョン撮影です。
這是我最愛的片段呵~ 我很喜歡鈴木保奈美演莉香的角色,織田裕二也是我的偶像呵! 因為~東京愛情故事,我才會愛上看日劇! 東京愛情故事(香港和台灣譯名:東京愛的故事日文原名:東京ラブストーリー) ,是一部日本偶像劇,共有12集。原為日本漫畫家柴門文(日文:柴門ふみ) 在小學館《大漫畫精神週刊》從1988年開始連載的少女漫畫作品,後由坂元裕二改篇為同名的11集電視劇,於1991年1月7日開始至1991年3月18日在富士電視台每星期一的「九點劇場」時段播出,大受歡迎,並流行至中國、台灣(於1994年在台視播出,及後在緯來日本臺重播) 以及香港(於1993年在亞洲電視本港台配音播出),廣受好評,公認為日劇代表作之一。 主題曲:突如奇來的愛情故事不知該從何說起才好在不知所措之間時光已經流逝說來說去的都僅是些老生常談而已你是如此的好讓人無法只是坦率的說聲喜歡而已雨大概就快要停了在兩人共度的黃昏在那天在那時在那地方若是沒有遇見你我們都一直將會是兩個素不相識的陌生人無論任何人說些什麼甜言蜜語都已經不會動心雖然傷悲也不能如此束縛住心靈到了明天一定會比今天更加愛你這一切在我的內心深處已漸漸的超越過了時間的界限為了你要幻化為羽翼持續的守護著你變為一陣微風輕輕的柔軟的將你包覆著在那天在那時在那地方若是沒有遇見妳我們都一直將會是兩個素不相識的陌生人現在妳的心已經開始動搖了停下所有的話語依偎在我的肩膀上吧在無法忘卻的那個日子決不把你讓給任何一個人為了你要幻化為羽翼持續的守護著你變為一陣微風輕輕的柔軟的圍繞著妳在那天在那時在那地方若是沒有遇見妳我們都一直將會是兩個素不相識的陌生人無論任何人說些什麼甜言蜜語都不會動心變為一陣微風圍繞著妳在那天在那時在那地方若是沒有遇見妳我們都一直將會是兩個素不相識的陌生人