手品・マジック [mML Live-27-1]ユニークなお喋りマジックを堪能!
monthly Magic Lesson Vol.27 スペシャルライブ映像!その1 www.magiclesson.jp プロマジシャン、ゆうきともが演じた、マジックのライブ映像です! プロの演技を楽しんで下さい! 回文カード、J、Q、Kの出現、明るい家族計画、ミリケンズ・トランスポジション・プラス、リバース・フェローシャフル、ウィリアムソンのクリック・パス、Noel Stanton、Roberto Giobbi、David Williamson、Dai Vernon、Steve Freeman、Harry Milliken


入圍者:台灣豫劇團; 「花嫁巫娘」由劇作家施如芳為臺灣豫劇團量身編創,取材創意十足,大膽碰觸戲曲少有的神話、宗教以及死後世界,以虛擬的時空與高度原創性情節,禮讚戲裡/戲外的百變巫娘。本劇作由「國家文藝獎」得主王海玲詮釋一個以巫職(表演)為天命的傳奇女性,巫娘的秋戀之歌,正是女人承擔因緣的絕唱。「花嫁巫娘」發揮豫劇奔放激昂的聲腔特色,展現極致的表演能量。

キン肉マンⅡ世 Ultimate Muscle 2 - OP - Trust Yourself [video vers.]
キン肉マンⅡ世 Ultimate Muscle 2 - OP - Trust Yourself [video vers.] Kinnikuman Nisei: Ultimate Muscle 2 - OP - Trust Yourself [video vers.] Special Thanks to Kinnikugirl93


U2 - The Fly
The Fly (U2) Oh, baby child... It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon You know I don't see you when she walks in the room It's no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else They say a secret is something you tell one other person So I'm telling you, child Love...we shine like a Burning star We're falling from the sky Tonight A man will beg A man will crawl On the sheer face of love Like a fly on a wall It's no secret at all It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief Over love... we shine like a Burning star We're falling from the sky Tonight A man will rise A man will fall From the sheer face of love Like a fly from a wall It's no secret at all Love...we shine like a Burning star We're falling from the sky Tonight A man will rise A man will fall From the sheer face of love Like a fly from a wall It's no secret at all Oh, yeah! It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky The universe exploded 'cause of one man's lie Look, I gotta go, yeah I'm running outta change There's a lot of things if I could I'd rearrange