緋色の欠片2 重森 晶(野島健児)◆翡翠の雫◆名セリフ集+言祝ぎ

2009年11月25日、川崎CLUB CITTA'で行われたライブ「2235ZERO GENERATION -UPDATE」の映像です。 www.team-active.com

Fedora 15 Review - Linux Distro Reviews
An in-depth look at Fedora 15 Lovelock, sporting the new stable GNOME 3 desktop and GNOME Shell. Fedora is a well supported distribution, and the fusion of GNOME Shell and Fedora's base creates an innovative, modern and polished desktop for the Linux enthusiast and power user. Definitely a great peek into the future of desktop Linux and it's a substantially widget base than GNOME and GTK 2.x. Very polished, and arguably much better (think finished) than Unity.