木下あゆ美様 20080807 LIVE前半 part 2
木下あゆ美様 20080807 LIVE前半 part 2 --------------------------------- 近未来予報 ツギクル official website www.fujitv.co.jp --------------------------------- 近未来予報 ツギクル 情報ja.wikipedia.org --------------------------------- 木下あゆ美 official blog star-studio.jp --------------------------------- 第16回生番組「私のあとに日が昇るのよスペシャル」 生放送終了後、生ストリーミングで続きを配信。 木下あゆ美扮する「あゆ美様」が女王様風の超ドSキャラを炸裂した番組。 深夜枠と一部地域放送で有った為、 殆ど知られていない番組。 見ていた人は殆どが業界人だったとか・・・。 今あゆ美様は【怨み屋本舗 REBOOT】で活躍しているので、 そちらもチェックしてみよう。

チョイ聞き) 《土屋賢二の「あかずの間」》ゲスト:柴門ふみ(上巻)
「笑う哲学者」土屋賢二×「恋愛の神様」柴門ふみ 最強の師弟対談! ラジオデイズ(www.radiodays.jp 「土屋賢二のあかずの間」今回のゲストは柴門ふみさんを迎えて。 詳細は www.radiodays.jp でご確認できます。


Michael Jackson/Weird Al Yankovic: Eat it/Beat it video
The two videos on the bottom are Weird Al Yankovic's video, "Eat it". The video on top is Micheal Jackson's video, "Beat it". I Re-Edited "Beat it" to match with "Eat it" scene for scene. The "Beat it" video was about a minute longer and has a few longer scenes. I varied the speed in those scenes so they matched with the Weird Al version. I looked to see if anyone had done this before and the answer was yes, but not like this. I hope that you all enjoy it. If you just watch the original "Beat it" version MJ actually sings, "Eat it". Pretty fancy! Weird Al and company; you have all of my respect for doing such an amazing job putting together the song and video. RIP An entertaining genius! Thank you Michael.

Black/Matrix Advanced Opening Movie - Dreamcast (Japanese)
Original Air Date: April 8th, 2009 This is the opening movie by itself, converted to HD. I figured since it's one of my favorite movies in the game (that, and when Abel does that "thing" to his body) and it's short, this would be a nice stand-alone upload. Enjoy.