【MI×ギタマガ】OPEN HOUSE/折原寿一「譜例1」
Guitar magazineとMI Japanのコラボでお届けする雑誌/Web連動のOPEN HOUSE!!この動画は札幌校GIT講師の折原寿一(Orih ara Toshikazu)先生による、譜例1昨年リリースした「/aoks」より「Monk In Bustle」CD time 5:06〜の解説です。Guitar magazine10月号とあわせてお楽しみ下さい!


X-Day is All You Wanted
I finished reading X-Day a while back, and I really liked it. Mostly because it was easy to read and understand. I liked the art enought to make a video! WARNING: Don't stop watching when the credits come on, there is more at the end && its spiffy.