I wish I were Twins - Coleman Hawkins 1935
I wish I were Twins Hawkins Coleman 1935 Can you imagine. The great Coleman Hawkins on film in 1935? He was just 30 years old! This clip came first from a program called Jazz in the Netherlands, and for one reason or another it was shortened. I'm very happy that in a later show of jazz in the Netherlands, this piece was broadcasted in full. The Dutch Polygoon company filmed events for news casts usually shown in the movie theatres before the headliners. We now see the 1935 performance of Coleman Hawkins announcing and playing two full chorusses of "I wish I were Twins". This was a tune recorded and made popular by Fats Waller in 1934 and Coleman gave it his best with Leo de la Fuente on piano. I think this is a most unique piece of early jazz history on film.

モーニング娘。 『まじですかスカ!』 (鞘師里保 Solo Close-up Ver.)
2011年4月6日発売の45thシングル。 リリースイベント会場限定で販売されたDVDに収録されているソロバージョンです。

No Shirts (111 Shirtless Men in Abercombie and Fitch)
improveverywhere.com IE recruits 111 men to go shirtless in the 5th Avenue Abercrombie in NYC. This is one ofover 100 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed since 2001 in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Food Court Musical, and the famous No Pants Subway Ride, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. www.improveverywhere.com Be the first to find out about the next video we create by subscribing to our YouTube channel youtube.com Facebook Fan Page: facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Buy the new Improv Everywhere book: www.amazon.com

参議院議員の森田高氏をお迎えし、閣僚の誰一人として8月15日の靖國神社に姿を見せない中、与党政務調査会長として参拝に赴かれた矜持や、菅談話や外国人参政権に対する見解などにも触れていただきながら、政策に深く関わっているはずの国防に対する意識が薄く、危機的状況にある日本の現状について、お話しいただきます。 ◆チャンネル桜公式HP www.ch-sakura.jp

Viaje a Oaxaca / Trip to Oaxaca / Viaggio a Oaxaca / Wyjazd do Oaxaca / 旅行のオアハカに
Viaje a Oaxaca, México en 2010 / Trip to Oaxaca / Viaggio a Oaxaca / Wyjazd do Oaxaca / 旅行のオアハカに