疑惑の影 [DVD]
Being directed by Hitchcock, people tend to overlook that the story was writing credits Thornton Niven Wilder who wrote "Our Town" three years earlier.
Teresa Wright one year earlier was in "Mrs. Minver"
This film is creepy from the beginning as Charlie (Joseph Cotton) goes to his hometown to avoid two mysterious men following him. Who are they and what do they want of him?
Mean while back home things are just down right monotonous. Little Charlie (Teresa Wright) plans to send a telegram to Uncle Charlie to come and brighten up the place. She realizes she possesses telepathy when Uncle Charlie's telegram reaches her first. When Uncle Charlie arrives he brings secrets and the two mysterious men show up as magazine men doing a survey. Little Charlie must find the secrets and why the men are there. Each scene and secret reveals a more sinister environment. It just gets creeper.
The film and the camera angles are exceptional. Even the dialog helps build up the tension. Yet on this VHS copy I can not help but thing that some scenes were cut or something to that affect. One minute Little Charlie is walking happily with her quasi date. The next moment she is being apologized to for being deceived as he reveals his purpose. I wonder how many more scenes were cut or condensed?
アメリカの伯父さん [DVD]
この映画をコメディなどと呼ぶのは評者が全く観ていない証拠、実際のところ極めてシリアスな恋愛悲劇であって、これを数限りなくある同種の映画から大きく区別しているのは、随所に登場人物の心の動きに対する心理学的解説が入るところであるが、この解説の入り方に殆ど違和感がなく、映画全体の流れを全く乱していないばかりか、殆ど映画に不可欠な要素としてしまっているところが、映画監督Alain Resnaisの卓越した腕の為せる技、鑑賞者に、自ら或いは他人の心の動きや行動について分析するよすがを与える、娯楽映画としても学術映画としても堪能できるとても奇妙で他に類のない傑出した映像作品。